Your Chamber is not alone, many are struggling. Member engagement is crucial in the retention & growth of all 商会. 立博客户端app下载 Freedom软件将为您提供增加会员和收入所需的工具. 让我们帮助您丰富您的成员的经验,团结您的团队,并利用当今的技术. 让我们的会员增长专家团队向您展示您的整个组织将如何从这个整体软件解决方案中受益.
与立博官网手机版app下载’s robust website and mobile experience, your organization can craft a beautiful, 互动网站,吸引您的成员和服务您的员工的需求. 开始产生更多的成员, 事件注册, 以及会员的参与——从而增加商会的收入.
立博客户端app下载 Freedom通过数据驱动的会员管理软件改造商会, 网站, 移动应用程序. 我们是你的 trusted guides in a world of ever-changing technology. 我们的工程师、设计师和数字营销团队一直在帮助钱伯斯成长 超过20年.
我们积极参与商会社区(我们甚至提供ACCE的网站),并不断更新, 精炼, 添加新功能, and listening to your needs to improve our software. 我们了解您的组织需要,并将与您一起实现您的目标.
Freedom Software spans your association's 市场营销, 会员, 销售, 以及财务部门, 让你的全体员工在一个平台上完美和谐地一起工作. 立博官网手机版app下载消除了生产力的障碍,让你的团队能够专注于他们的主要任务: — providing a valuable experience to your members.
Use the 网站 application to update your website from anywhere at anytime.
All your 会员 under one roof. Control your member information, 支付, 市场营销, 事件, and seamlessly integrate with your website.
Generate dynamic accounting reports, track deferred revenue & in-kind trades, and map your transactions to your chart-of-accounts.
Automate and optimize your 市场营销 efforts while promoting your organization.
We know that keeping up with technology can be a full-time job. Instead of having to worry about it, 立博客户端app下载将通过每月更新提供最新功能,使您始终处于技术的最前沿, 安全增强, 以及服务器监控系统.
The technology behind 立博客户端app下载 Freedom is extremely flexible. 在许多情况下,分庭需要定制解决方案, and 立博客户端app下载 was able to build and deliver it through their software. And because 立博客户端app下载 is a totally comprehensive system, 我们可以用它来做任何事情,从横幅广告和促进商会活动到管理电子通讯,让我们的会员随时了解情况.
Your members are the most important aspect of your Chamber, so of course you want to highlight them and show them off! 有了立博官网手机版app下载,你的商会有多种选择来促进你的会员. 创建一个包含所有会员的商业目录是一个很好的开始. 另一种推广个人会员的方式是使用横幅广告或展示赞助标志. If you'd rather promote a group of members, try displaying member maps or provide some member coupons and discounts. Regardless of the method you choose, 立博官网手机版app下载给了你灵活性和工具,你需要与你的成员建立融洽的关系,并相应地推销他们.
当然! 使用Freedom Software可以根据您的部门需求轻松创建自定义报告. 与立博官网手机版app下载, 您可以灵活地创建或选择查看客户历史记录的最重要详细信息和确定趋势所需的字段. 完成后,您可以继续并保存您喜爱的报告,以便将来轻松访问. Reports are your go-to tool to see customer engagement and past history, 因此,你们的商会可以利用这一优势,继续满足并超越会员的期望.
保持畅通的沟通渠道将有助于您的商会获得新会员并留住现有会员. 利用技术来创造各种数字营销努力. 联系目标受众的最直接方式是通过商会的网站, which you can easily update with Freedom. You can also reach your members, both individually and collectively, through the use and tracking of email campaigns, which will help your 销售 team with lead generation. 通过投票和调查简化会员的直接输入,或通过Freedom的社交媒体模块快速与会员分享信息, 它与您的网站无缝集成,使其易于在各种社交网络平台上分享和发布内容. Regardless of the communication methods you choose, 您的会员将永远了解您所在商会的最新动态.
活动是任何会员制组织的一个重要方面,需要周到的计划和实施. Use Freedom Software to schedule upcoming or recurring 事件, 接受登记, 制作座位表. 使用电子邮件提醒让你的客人了解你的活动细节,并推广你的赞助商. On the day of the event, you can even manage On-Site Check-In with Freedom. 针对移动设备进行优化, staff can view registrant lists and prepaid status, 登记与会者, and add new registrants on the fly at the door. Once your event is over and your members are heading home happy, you can create customized reports to help you plan for the next event.
立博官网手机版app下载的财务应用程序是设计与您目前的会计系统工作,而不是作为一个替代品. 使用Finance应用程序中的模块来执行会费、处理付款和创建发票. 你的会计团队将有能力创建一般会计报告和组织递延收入,他们可以导出到他们选择的会计系统. Use Freedom Software as a resource to keep your finances in order, without abandoning your trusted accounting platform.
是的! Freedom具有与许多流行的第三方软件程序集成的能力. 而立博官网手机版app下载软件的五个应用程序作为一个整体解决方案更好地协同工作, 它们可以分开运行, so your chamber can customize accordingly to create your ideal system.
我们非常有信心你会喜欢这个软件,即使立博客户端app下载没有达到或超过你的期望 在前90天内, you may pull the ripcord and get 100% of your money back, guaranteed.
to discuss qualification with a Chamber Specialist
to see how Freedom Software can help you run your Chamber
so your Chamber can start growing its 会员
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